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The content of the testimonials on this page has been posted "as is" preserving the charming way the senders write to us.


Carlos' Testimonial

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"This is Carlos, writing to thank you for the great support you give me. Because, in a way, you have made me realize many things that I wanted to realize, desires that would be impossible to fulfill without your help as before I felt like a prisoner of the system. A system that obliges a man to live for himself without thinking of others and my change in thinking in this area I owe to you. I am thankful, that from you I learned that one can be happier giving than receiving. It is out of this lesson, Mama Sharon, that I acted this Christmas by giving a small gift to each of the children of a destitute community 30 minutes from Cusco with the help of some friends from the University. 

We organized a little party with hot chocolate and cookies, which wasn't very difficult to arrange but for them, it was something that made them very happy, only that magic work which is love. Mama Sharon, I now say good-bye and may you be happy wherever you are."

Carlos at 16 (now at 39, CEO of Paskay)


Maria Lilliana's Testimonial

"It makes me so happy to think about you coming to Cusco.  It will be an honor to introduce you to my borhters and sisters.  I so want May to come soon to have you here with me. 

Thank you for sending me money, because Sister Yudid has bought me my school uniform and paid the tuition with that money.  I am so happy I am going to high school now.  I want to grow up quickly, finish high school and go on to study for a career so I can help other children.  I promise you that when I am a professional I will travel to the United States to take care of you and pamper you when you are old.  Until soon, I love you very much."

Maria Lilliana at 12 (now at 32, a professor of  psychology at a private university in Cusco, she operates 3 rescue centers for abused women)


Pavela's Testimonial

El Angel de Los Ninos Mama Sharon

"These Holidays are the Symbol of the existence of God the Divine who manifests alive each time we are generous along the year.  His angel usually goes wrapped in turquoise clothes and scintillates intensely,  speaking a foreign language.  She wears golden hair and heals with her eyes and her hands.  She speaks of love and sings forgiveness.  To the children she and her friends bring gifts, respecting and loving them they give them hope and a chance at life.  Those angels are Celestial Lovers who create miracles.  You, Angel, you touched me and you and your angelic friends filled up my hands with gifts. 

Sweet Christmas, ANGEL OF THE CHILDREN, a big hug and my deep love.  Live in love.

Thank you Angel.

Your friend, Pavela"

Pavela (a Nun who helps run Sipascancha Alta)


Michele's Testimonial

"Dear Mama Sharon, 

I am home now.  Home from the MOST powerful, deeply rewarding, beautiful and enlightening trip of my lifetime.  I might be home, back to reality, back to the daily grind, back to my duties and responsibilities, but I am FOREVER changed.  Inspired by seeing how YOU, a remarkable angel on earth are able to reach out and make a HUGE difference in the lives of so many children of Peru.

Handing out fruit breads, bananas, pens, crayon, pencils, school supplies, clothing, shoes, toys and stuffed animals to all of those sweet and appreciative little faces was immensely rewarding.  It warmed my heart to see the hundreds of children at The Universal Heart Restaurant so thankful to each and every one of us who formed the line that delivered that plate of food and glass of milk to see the children happily run downstairs to wash their plates after they finished their meal.  They took their job seriously and it showed.  They were proud to have a job to do.

I loved meeting Washington, Carlos, Rogelio, Marlene, Marie Lilliana, and Paul.  They are amazing human beings with strong values and such depth to their character.  Each one of them showed such a grateful and appreciative attitude towards all of us there.  You have given them a chance at life and they truly want to make a difference in the world. Hallelujah!

Thank you, thank you, thank you, for being the amazingly wonderful inspiring and beautiful person you are!  I love you with all of my heart and soul!"

Michelle (now a radio show host in Laguna Beach, Ca)


Lola's Testimonial

"Sharon, did you ever think you could make such a difference? How blessed we are to come as orphans and leave as beloved children who no longer need to abandon ourselves for past fears, guilt, and shame.  God bless you. I thank you from the bottom of my heart and suspect all do whose lives you touch. How fortunate we are to have you on this planet. Sitting here drinking chai and knowing I am so blessed."

Lola (one of our first children of Paskay)


Meg's Testimonial

"All of this is thanks to you... by that I mean all that I do now with my life's focus, is thanks to your inspiration. And all that Carlos is doing, and Washi - and all the other young folk you supported with your love and finances - all this good work they do stems from you .  Thank you for allowing your life to be such a gift to humanity, in so many ways, over so many year.  May you be blessed and cherished every day of the year. 

Much love,


Meg (Poet and author of many books, including "La Chocolatada")


Testimonial to Kay & Jim

"Good morning dear Kay and Jim,

Donna, Robert, and her sister and friends are here in Peru visiting our projects.

Today, we have visited Eva's family, Libertad, and her brothers. Donna took some gifts for the family.

The family made a beautiful lunch for us.

Libertad and her family wish you visit their home one day.

Libertad made a video for you, I wish you can understand everything they say.

The whole family is very grateful to you, Libertad says thanks to your help she is living her dreams, going to school, and she would like to be a professional and help her little brothers.

Eva, Libertad's mother, is also expressing her feeling with tears. She very much appreciates all the help you have been giving for Libertad.

Eva is a very strong woman, she was taking care of all the children since the father abandoned them, she fought against the people who wanted to take the children away from her, and she has been a father, mother, and protector for the children.

 Please see this video


Big warm hug from Cusco

Carlos Gibaja Tapia"

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